My Life

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Not Just a Box

Before I left Petsmart a couple weeks ago, I was taking the trash from our cat room to the back of the store when I saw some great boxes next to the trash cans.  I asked a manager and he said, yes, they were trash and I could have them.  There were three boxes and I gave two to another foster mom.  Display boxes that have held cat food or treats are like magnets to the gang, but this box held soft stuffed things.  Didn't seem to matter. Within seconds of putting the box on the living room floor, it was occupied.

First was Lilly and Zach.

Then Cody.

 Then Xena.

Then Xena moved and Ebony came in her pretty pink collar.  I have four shiny black cats and need it for identification.

Then Delcy came.  This all happened in about three minutes.  Everyone loves a new toy.


  1. Judging by those photos, you could have used all three boxes in your own house. :-)

  2. Just like little kids at Christmas! LOL
