Delcy's kittens are 4 weeks old today. They're running around the nursery playing with the other cats and kittens. Stewart, Colin, Micky and Davy are like older brother and are showing them the ropes. The little ones have a shallow litter box, and they watch the older kittens use it. In just a couple days, they're scratching and squatting. It's so cute. I hope that doesn't sound like I don't have a life of any kind. I don't. I just don't want to sound like it. I sit around all day and watch my kittens pee in a box.
The nursery is getting pretty crowded with the babies out and getting bigger.
This is 8 of the 10 residents of the bedroom and closet. Eating at the top plate is mama Delcy, Davy, and the black baby. In the litter box are the gray tuxedo and the black tuxedo. At the lower plate is Micky at the top, Colin on the left and Stewart on the right. Missing are Bridgette and the tortie baby.

The tortie was out of camera range trying to climb over the barricade to keep the babies in. Even turning the box on its side so it's a little taller, isn't enough any more. The kids are growing up. The tortie got her toenails over the top of the box and that's all she needed to pull herself up and over. So, no more box. They are free to roam and play in the bedroom during the day, but everyone is confined to the closet at night so I can sleep. I'm still in "my" bedroom, as we haven't found a new bed for the master bedroom. I'm sure our lack of interest in shopping for one has nothing to do with me coming to bed at 2am, waking him up in the process, then snoring 5 minutes later before he gets back to sleep. Or the fact that he's a bed and cover hog. That's okay, we see plenty of each other during the day and evening. And I get to read in bed before I go to sleep on my new latex foam bed.
Cary, Pierce and Ember |
KITTENS: The gray tux is in the bed is Cary, the black tux is Pierce,, and the all black one is Ember.
Cary |
The gray tuxedo is Cary (Grant). I'm showing my age, again, but NOBODY looked better in a tux than Cary Grant. Except maybe.......
Pierce |
Pierce Brosnan, with his shiny dark hair.
Pierce |
Ember |
Nita |
This would be Miss Ember. She's solid black.
And this is Nita, in honor of the lady rescuing a colony of cats behind Straub's grocery store in west county. She brought me Bridgette, who's still here, and Mia, who my sister adopted. The kitten, Nita, is a black and tan tortie.
All four generations of cats and kittens are having a ball running around the rooms playing with toys and wrestling with each other.
Micky, Nita, Stewart, Pierce, and Bridgette |
From the left we have Micky, Nita, Stewart, Pierce, and Bridgette, who's watching over everyone. All the kittens have two moms with Delcy (the only real mom) and Bridgette. Both the adults have 8 kittens (four are two pair of orphans), and each kitten has 7 siblings. And we couldn't be happier.
Aw, it looks like they're cuddling, doesn't it? Actually, Stewart is getting ready to chomp on Pierce's neck and show him who's the older brother. It's all part of the little ones learning how to be a cat.
There's no getting around it. Kittens are pigs. I clean the eating area up every morning, and every night it looks like this. The mats under the food bowls seem like a good idea, but I don't know why I bother. It would be easier to sweep without them.
The nice, clean plate on the floor had canned food on it. No mess there. I use two plates and put a small can of food on each plate for two adults and 8 kittens. There's not a speck left on either plate. I've found I have to be careful and not give too much Fancy Feast - it causes loose stool in most of my fosters. Everybody gets a little bit, then they have to eat their no-grain dry food. The little kittens are still nursing, too.